In relation to the course content, the following textbooks provide support:
Boulanger R. (ed). "The Csound Book: Perspectives in Software Synthesis, Sound Design, Signal Processing,and Programming". The MIT Press. ISBN 0262522616
page 261 - 271 (fm)
page 389 - 435 (intro to signalprocessing with Csound: signals, fft, filters, convolution)
page 507 - 520 (convolution)
page 369 - 384 (waveguides & modeling)
page 452 - 466 (delay lines)
page 467 - 481 (reverb design)
page 483 - 492 (gardner reverb)
Dodge C. and Jerse T "Computer Music: Synthesis, Composition, and Performance". Schirmer; 2 edition. ISBN 0028646827
page 90-95 (am, rm)
page 115 - 168 (fm, waveshaping, dsf, asym_fm)
page 199 - 219 (filters)
page 244 - 253 (fft)
Roads Cc. "Microsound". The MIT Press. ISBN 0262681544